Clinically Approved
Viamedex Vitamin B-12
Transdermal Patch

Works like an injection increased Bio-Availability and
Sustained action with folic acid and selenium.

Clinically Approved
Viamedex Vitamin B-12
Transdermal Patch

B-12 Patch provides crucial Vitamin B12 so you can concentrate on what's important

Viamedex Vitamin B12 Patch

B12 Patch

The Viamedex Vitamin B12 Energy Patch is the best natural method of boosting energy, focusing attention and reducing anxiety without the burden of pills or injections.

For many decades, physicians and health experts have touted the benefits of Vitamin B12 to boost energy while creating a natural sense of well-being. With the time-release technology of our transdermal patch, we provide you with 24-hours access to this positive heath benefit.

The Vitamin B12 Energy Patch is a safe, effective and inexpensive alternative to prescription injections and oral supplements. In addition, our advanced transdermal delivery system avoids the negative absortion issue of these other methods.

How To Use the Patch?

Food Intolerance Study

Apply patch to an area with little or no hair, i.e., shoulder, back or hip.

For best results. it is recommended to wear a patch for 24 hours, twice a week.

What Does Vitamin B12 Do for the Body?

What Does Vitamin B12 Do for the Body

- Vitamin B12 is important for brain health, including cognitive function and memory.

- Boosts energy and metabolism

- Promotes heart and cardiovascular health

- Ensures healthy brain and nervous system function

- With the slow release technology of a topical patch, we provide you with 24-hour access to this positive source of health.

Each patch includes the following ingredients:

Food Intolerance Study

- Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamine) - 1300 mcg
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 100 mg
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 300 mg
- Folate (folic acid) - 500 mcg

- Guarana - 50 mg
- Garcinia cambogia - 100 mg
- Niacin - 50 mg
- Vitamin B3 - 50 mg

OUR Product

Viamedex Vitamin B12 Energy Patch

Price: $49.00

30 B12 patches - 15 weeks

Price: $79.00

60 B12 Patches - 30 weeks

Price: $119.00

120 B12 Patches - 60 weeks

B12 Vitamin Patch and Penetrex Lotion

B12 Patch

Rub a couple of drops of the supplied Penetrex lotion into any convenient area where you will be placing the patch—arms, legs, chest—any hairless area is fine. Allow it to dry for a minute or two before applying the patch. Use this procedure and apply a new patch daily for enhanced benefits.

The dual enhancement of vitamin B12 introduces a new era. A decade of research has made it easier to use and expanded the functional benefits of B12 transdermal patches. Vitamin B12 is essential for the development of red blood cells, body growth, and the maintenance of the nervous system, with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties that help protect and strengthen the skin barrier.

Recent surveys suggest that up to 15% of the population is affected by vitamin B12 deficiency. It is particularly prevalent in the older population, with an incidence rate of approximately 40% due to changes in their digestive systems, as well as in strict vegans, since this vitamin is only available from natural animal products such as eggs, fish, and meat. Patients with pernicious anemia and other intestinal disorders also commonly develop vitamin B12 deficiency due to their inability to absorb small amounts of the vitamin.

In older adults at high cardiovascular risk, improving and enhancing the bioavailability of serum vitamin B12 correlates with better memory function, suggesting that the effects of vitamin B12 go beyond a mere nutritional requirement.

Cyanocobalamin, a synthetic form of vitamin B12, has become the primary mode of treatment for vitamin B12 deficiency since its isolation in 1948. Treatment is mainly administered orally or through injections. However, oral forms often present issues related to unpredictable absorption. Most people with vitamin B12 deficiencies are treated in primary care with intramuscular or deep subcutaneous injections, with some requiring lifelong monthly injections. Intramuscular administration usually necessitates a trip to a healthcare facility or a home visit from a health professional, making it less convenient for patients.

A new method of administration that overcomes the limitations of both injections and oral administration is highly necessary. Alternative routes include transdermal, buccal, rectal, and nasal administration. Among these, the transdermal route stands out due to its high patient compliance, ease of use, and large surface area for drug absorption.

Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems (TDDS) offer several advantages over traditional dosage forms, such as non-invasiveness, high patient compliance, and avoidance of gastrointestinal metabolism and liver elimination. However, transdermal delivery can be limited by the skin's outer barrier, the stratum corneum. Our unique transdermal agents have safely addressed this challenge.

A transdermal route for delivering cyanocobalamin and polyphenols holds great promise when enhancement techniques are applied. The inclusion of polyphenols in transdermal applications adds significant benefits.

Polyphenols are healthy compounds found in fruits, vegetables, herbs, and tea. These powerful antioxidants can improve brain health, digestion, and blood sugar levels, and may even combat cancer and inflammation. Our research suggests that a diet enriched in polyphenols could help regulate the blood epigenome. We speculate that this regulation is influenced not only by key epigenetic players like vitamin B12 but also by the enriched polyphenol content, which may further regulate one-carbon metabolism, potentially affecting autoimmune responses.

In addition to protecting the body from infections and diseases, the immune system produces antibodies that can help mitigate complex autoimmune disorders such as Type I diabetes, primary biliary cirrhosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis, among others. Polyphenols have been widely studied as viable alternative treatments to help manage autoimmune disorders. These compounds possess a wide range of pharmacological and therapeutic properties, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. As immunomodulatory agents, polyphenols are emerging as promising pharmaceutical tools for managing conditions like vitiligo, ulcerative colitis, and multiple sclerosis (MS).

The improved bioavailability of B12 in our patch, combined with the unique synergistic benefits of the polyphenols in our once-daily Penetrex lotion, is exactly what you've been waiting for. The wait is over! Use the attached order form or call us at 1-(877) 842-4827.

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